Six Stages of An Emotional Hangover

1. The Euphoria

MORNING! Oh my god… I don’t feel hungover AT ALL! #winning. Last night was so much fun! I made so many great life decisions! I can’t believe how great I feel! Well done Beth, you were obviously so sensible last night, so proud. I couldn’t be happier!

2. The Wobble

Hmm, not feeling so great now. Is it acceptable that I’m crying for no reason? 

3. The Crash

WHY ME? Why is my life so hard? I’m crying hysterically into my pillow, can’t even breathe. The last biscuit was gone. AND I missed my teas optimum drinking temperature. I can’t even.

4. The Denial

This isn’t even an emotional hangover, this is just my life. If this was an emotional hangover I would be able to recognise the symptoms. I’m sure about that. My life was exactly the same yesterday, but now I’ve got a new perspective and I’ve suddenly realised that everything is wrong.

5. The Anger

This definitely isn’t MY fault. The world is against me. Last night was just awful, I hate everything and everybody. I don’t want to talk to anybody about last night, or anything ever. I’m going to bed, I am SO DONE.

6. The Realisation

MORNING! How is everybody?!… Oh my god, did I spend the whole of yesterday crying… to my dog… again? Must have been an emotional hangover. Well, no worries. At least next time I’ll be prepared.

*Repeat after every single night out*

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